cemetery records

Use cemetery records in ancestry and genealogy immigration research.

Cemetery records and resources that genealogists find extremely helpful and full of clues to find immigrant ancestors. The information is designed to provide a quick reference and direction for finding and searching for records as probable places to find information.

Using Cemetery Records to Trace Immigrant Ancestors
Table of Contents

Using Cemetery Records 

Cemetery records have their limitations as sources for immigration information. While it is not typical for a foreign birth town to appear on a cemetery headstone, there are thousands of cases where such is the case. Such circumstances seem to be more common for many immigrants in a cemetery, such as in Pennsylvania German communities or the cemeteries near the Catholic missions in California.

While locating a burial site can be difficult, people are usually buried where they die. Begin your search for a cemetery where your ancestor “drops out” of the records.

There are usually many cemeteries in any given area, including all or most of the types listed below. The records of these various cemeteries are will be found in different places and may not easily accessible. The records are commonly organized in chronological order or by plot and, therefore, not alphabetical. If public records exist for your ancestor, they will usually denote where the burial occurred. For deaths occurring after 1870, the community may have required a burial permit from the local health department. These are not death certificates, but they do identify the cemetery.

Many directories are available to assist you in locating a specific cemetery or even a list of all possible cemeteries in a particular locality. In large cities, beginning with the city directory for the period when the immigrant died. Directories include the following:

  • Cemeteries of the United States
  • United States Cemetery Address Book
  • The Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) is the nation’s official repository of domestic geographic information, including cemeteries.

If you still have trouble locating the cemetery, you may want to check current directories of mortuaries (available from your local mortician). Go ahead and contact a local mortuary in the area where an immigrant died they will probably be aware of the active cemeteries. It may be able to refer you to a local cemetery association. Once you have located the cemetery, you will seek the following information:

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The Inscription on the Stone

Tombstone inscriptions are as different as the individuals they commemorate. In most cases, you will find some element of value. For example, a tombstone can show a relationship with an inscription: “Beloved wife of . . .”. You will find logos or markers that indicate service in the military or organization. Depending on the period and the country’s area (such as in an immigrant-rich community), you might find a birthplace. Some tombstones contain photos, favorite sayings, writings, music, or images related to a hobby or profession. Tombstones can also carry lineage, such as names of the children or “Daughter of . . .”. You will most likely find the actual given name of the person or even a nickname that can help you find information.

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The Records of the Sexton

Note: Many cemeteries have paper records of persons who are buried there. These records are kept with the sexton and come in many formats. They usually include the name of the person buried, the death date, and the cemetery plot owner. Look first at the cemetery to find the sexton’s records. If you come across an “inactive” or “full” cemetery because there is no more room for additional burials, contact the local sexton to begin your search to see if they have records.

When you combine the tombstone and sexton’s record, you can build a profile that unusually includes the name of the deceased (from tombstone and sexton record), years of birth and death (from tombstone), and date of burial (sexton record).

Your profile may also include any or all of the following information:

  • Address of deceased (sexton record)
  • Age of death (tombstone and sexton record)
  • Birthplace (tombstone)
  • Cause of death (tombstone and sexton record)
  • Cost of the plot or burial (sexton record)
  • Date of death (tombstone and sexton record)
  • Full name, including maiden name for women (tombstone and sexton record)
  • Full dates of birth and death (tombstone and sexton record)
  • Information linking the plot owner to other plots, such as disinterment, reburial, and so forth (sexton record)
  • Information about military services, such as unit (tombstone)
  • Inscription (a poem or Bible quote, for example) provides insight into the ancestor or those left behind (tombstone)
  • Logo of an organization that the deceased belonged to (ethnic, religious, military, and so on) (tombstone)
  • Name of doctor and hospital (sexton record)
  • Name of officiating minister (sexton record)
  • Names of other people or institutions involved—funeral home, officiating clergyman, memorial company (sexton record)
  • Owner of the plot (sexton record)
  • Relationship clues (“Beloved wife of . . .) or who else is buried in the plot (tombstone and sexton record)
  • Marriage date (rare) (tombstone and sexton record)
  • Where the deceased died, if other than where they lived (sexton record)

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Types of Cemeteries

The four types of cemeteries are religious, community, private, and commercial. A brief overview of each type is given below.

  • Religious cemeteries. Religiously devout immigrant ancestors were most often buried in religious cemeteries. These cemeteries are usually located next to the group’s church or synagogue. Qualification for burial was often reserved for the burial of the faithful (and sometimes the not-so-faithful, as well). In some religions, such as

As I have researched Roman Catholic ancestors I have learned that burials in the sacred, consecrated ground were vital for salvation. Other religions consider burial to be a sacrament, and it needs to be conducted by a spiritual leader. If the church conducted a burial, the local church was the most likely place to occur. Records for the religious cemeteries are usually found at the church and not with the sexton.

  • Community cemeteries. Most of our immigrant ancestors during the 1800s were buried in cemeteries established by a local community (a city, town, township, or county). Community cemeteries attracted immigrants whose devotion to their religion had waned during their years in North America. If there was not a local church in the area for a deceased person, they were usually buried in the community cemetery. If you suspect your ancestor was buried in a community cemetery, contact the sexton responsible for keeping the records of burials in that cemetery. The sexton’s job is to coordinate, and often actually handle, the burial duties, usually in concert with an undertaker (mortuary) and often a church as well.
  • Private cemeteries. In early America, many families established private, family cemeteries. These are most often found in New England and the Southern states but can be anywhere. Fraternal or social groups created private cemeteries, such as the Masons and Odd Fellows. Private cemeteries are usually found in rural areas.
  • Commercial cemeteries. Commercial cemeteries, usually run by a local mortuary or company, are common and have replaced community cemeteries. You won’t find your ancestor in this type of cemetery unless they lived after 1900.

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How to Use Tombstones and Sexton Records

Use tombstones and sexton records to learn the following information about your ancestor:

  • Dates of life events for further research
  • Names of family members, neighbors, and others who are buried in the same plot and are therefore likely connected to your ancestor
  • Maiden name for female ancestors
  • Organizations to which your ancestor belonged
  • Cause of death
  • Military service
  • Insight into the personality of your ancestor
  • A sense of the economic standing of the family

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Other Resources to Help Trace Immigrant Ancestors

Are you developing a family history for an individual or family? Are you trying to find their immigrant origins? Start by seeing the articles

The following videos can help you get a head start in understanding immigration and country of origin ancestor research.


How to Find the Origin of Immigrants Coming to America
An introduction to immigration and migration historical research. You will be introduced to a five-step methodology to find the immigrant origins when conducting individual and family history research.

Addition videos include:

The following are records I have found extremely helpful and full of clues to finding an individual’s birthplace and immigrant origins. It is designed to provide a quick reference and direction of finding and searching for records as probable places to find information. You can use these records to develop an immigrant paper trail to assist you in finding and tracing an individual immigrant’s origins. Check out these articles:

Records for Tracing Immigrant Ancestors
Cemetery Records Census Records Church Records 
Colonial Town Records Historical and Genealogical Societies Histories and Biographies
Land Grant Records Maps and Gazetteers Naturalization Record
Obituaries Passport Applications Ship Passenger Lists
Social Security Applications Social Security Death Index

Check out the following country profiles to learn more about their immigration and migration in America.

Immigration and Migration in America
Czechs and Slovaks Danish Dutch
English Finnish French
German Greek Hungarian
Icelandic Irish Italian
Norwegian Polish Russian
Scandinavian Scottish Swedish
Welch United States Western Migration

Articles include:

Learn more about immigrant records at “Immigrant Records at the National Archives.”

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